Why is it so Important for Your Child to Experience Proper Jaw Development?

A person with glasses is holding their hand to the chin.

It’s not jaw-dropping news that proper development is essential for the health of your child. If children’s minds and bodies are developing correctly, they are less likely to experience issues down the line. At Muscles in Harmony, we specialize in myofunctional Therapy and the importance of jaw growth and development by treating tongue-tie and other oral disorders. What often surprises our readers and patients is the importance of oral health and how closely it correlates with physical health.

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How Myofunctional Therapy can help with TMJ and TMD

A man holding his hand to his ear

What is Myofunctional Therapy and how can it help with TMJ and TMD? Chances are that you have heard the old adage that it takes 47 muscles to frown, but only 13 to smile. While the exact amount of muscles is sometimes disputed, the basis for the argument is accurate: it takes more effort to…

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What are the Benefits of Neuroplasticity?

The brain

The Benefits of Neuroplasticity Human beings are very complex life forms. As such, our brains are very powerful and incredible organs that can do extraordinary things. Our brain can help our body heal when injured, allowing bones to mend and skin to regrow. But did you realize that the brain can also heal itself and…

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Tethered Oral Tissues: Tongue-Tie and Your Family

A woman with her tongue hanging out.

Ever pulled out a mirror and looked under your tongue? If so, you probably noticed a small bit of tissue connecting it to the floor of your mouth. That’s the lingual frenulum, one of many soft structures that make up your facial physiology. This tissue keeps the tongue in place and prevents it from moving…

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