A green puzzle piece with the word " hands-on " written in it.

Discover the Myofunctional Therapy Puzzle

See it – Hear it – Do it

IAOM Approved Pre-Certification Introductory Course

for Orofacial Myofunctional Professionals

Earn 30 hours of CE credits | 4-Day IAOM Intro Course

By Patricia Pine, RDH, COM®

A blue puzzle piece with the words head and neck muscles written on it.

In-Person 4-Day IAOM Intro Course

Instructor: Pat Pine, COM®

Venue: Dani Dental 1243 E. Broadway #201 Tempe, AZ 85282

*Closest Hotel - MOXI Hotel
1333 S. Rural Rd Tempe, AZ 85281

(limited seating)

In-Person 4-Day Intro Course

Venue: W3730 Clubhouse Dr., Lake Geneva, WI 53147.

Instructor: Pat Pine, COM®

Closest Hotel: Fairfield Inn, Lake Geneva, WI

Virtual 4-Day IAOM Intro Course

Venue: This course is virtual and will be conducted online.

Instructor: Pat Pine, COM®

Looking for Group Training?

Schedule a private in-office IAOM-Approved Intro Course for a time that works best for your team to Discover the Myofunctional Therapy Puzzle.

Pat Pine, COM®, will travel directly to your practice so that your team can start their journey to certification. Uncover all that myofunctional therapy can do for your patients and your practice without the hassle of extended time away or travel expenses for the entire practice!

For more information and to begin scheduling your team training, please email Pat Pine, COM® at [email protected]

Hear From Other Professionals Who Took the Course!

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So many professionals have loved their experiences when they Discovered the Myofunctional Therapy Puzzle during the 4-day IAOM intro course! They uncovered all that myofunctional therapy could do for their patients and their careers, and also earned some continuing education credits along the way!

Find the Missing Piece to Your Professional Development

This program is intended for licensed dental hygienists, dentists, Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP), occupational therapists & physical therapists, and allied health professionals. The course work will provide a trained licensed professional with the philosophy to progress forward in providing Orofacial Myology Therapy.

The introductory course provides the participant with a head-to-toe understanding of how the body's muscles coordinate with its oral function. There will be no muscle untouched.

Attendees (RDH, DDS, SLP, OT & PT) will participate in instructive education with hands-on activities designed to start their program.

With This IAOM Intro Course, You Can Uncover All That
Myofunctional Therapy Can Do For Your Patients & Your Career!

Topics included are:

  • Identify orofacial myofunctional disorders across the lifespan
  • Recognize tethered oral tissues and their effect on the human body from birth
  • Discuss and describe appropriate therapeutical techniques to eliminate     the myofunctional disorders identified
  • Identification of Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMD)
  • Anatomy/embryology/physiology
  • Therapy techniques to eliminate orofacial disorders
  • Habit elimination, i.e., thumbsucking
  • Chewing/drinking/swallowing abnormalities
  • Creating a plan for interdisciplinary professional connections
  • Linking sleep disorders with myofunctional disorders

Learning Outcomes

  • Review research that supports orofacial myofunctional therapy
  • Review head to toe Myofunctional compensations
  • Provide an assessment with a partner
  • Write a report for referring professionals
  • Create forms for a variety of referrals
  • Design exercises to meet the patients' needs
  • Demonstrate therapeutic exercises for dysfunctional disorders
  • Discover how to measure conditions for baseline
  • Recognize frenums for tongue-ties, lip-ties, buccal ties.
  • Discover how body structure affects the oral structure
  • Connect how "the spot" intertwines with function
  • Distinguish between abnormal & ideal oral function
  • Identify unhealthy habits impacting orofacial function
  • Recognize symptoms of orofacial muscle abnormalities
  • Learn the relationship of the tongue to the body system
  • Develop a treatment plan & report
  • Establish principles for treatment to move forward
  • Discuss when to refer to the interdisciplinary team
  • Educate the patient on their needs, wants, and alternatives for their best interest
  • Motivate the client/patient to want myofunctional therapy for life-long health benefits
  • Justify the exercise for the disorder
  • Discover the 4 phases of normal swallow vs. abnormal swallow
  • Identify habituation
A person with colorful shapes on their body.
Put the Pieces of the Puzzle together with the "Discovery Team"
A puzzle piece with the words hands on and head neck muscle written underneath it.

Meet the Course Instructor

A photo of Patricia Pine

Pat Pine, RDH, COM®

Pat is licensed dental hygienist that has 6+ years of experience with Myofunctional therapy. As a IAOM Certified Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist (COM) she enjoys helping people with many oral concerns. She works with a multi-disciplinary approach and encourages other disciplines to join in on total body health. Her goal is to help every patient leading them to a professional that has similar personalities and understanding.

Pat is a national and international speaker for the last 10 years for the dental community on a variety of topics and she volunteers to educate children on dental health. Pat loves outdoor sports, boating, hiking, biking, walking and being with family and friends. The more the merrier. Pat is also an infection control specialist for the medical & dental communities for health and safety.

This lecture and hands-on course will have participants: 

A cartoon of people holding puzzle pieces in the mouth.
  • Complete an assessment with measurements
  • Evaluate your partner for myofunctional disorders
  • Assess the health history to provide clues to disorders
  • Understand muscle function during MYO techniques
  • Connect posture with oral disorders
  • Evaluate supplies available for therapy usage
  • Learn therapeutic muscle exercises
  • And much, much more

Your instructor
Patricia Pine, RDH, COM

Pat has practiced as a licensed dental hygienist for over 40 years, integrating whole health with oral health. Years ago, Pat saw a need in dentistry to assist offices and teams in OSHA & infection prevention. As a federally trained OSHA "train the trainer," she keeps dental teams safe. Pats' speaking experience has been international and national on various topics in dentistry for the last 20 years, and her experience teaching clinical dental hygiene brings learning to the forefront.

Pat has advanced her education to join IAOM, becoming a Certified Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist. Her practice, Muscles in Harmony, has been performing for over seven years. Pat believes in hands-on training.  Her mantra is, "We need to see it, hear it and do it." This type of venue is valuable for a variety of learning skills. Ms. Pine has organized study groups in her area to join interdisciplinary professionals to assist patients in optimal health – head to toe. Her passion is to help all age groups, from orofacial disorders to other health concerns, referring as needed. Pat is presently on the IAOM board, contributing to the education committee, newsletter, and welcoming all new Certified Orofacial Myologists. She feels that more licensed hygienists need to get involved in this remarkable career, as we are always deep in the mouth.

Pat is the author of "Please Release Me – the Tethered Oral Tissue (TOTs) Puzzle." Pat was inspired to write this book after her personal experience with her son's tethered oral tissues. Her hands-on approach to teaching has made her OSHA Training Boot Camp an enormous success.


Contact Pat at [email protected] with any questions.

What do You Need to Know?

Who can take this course?

This course is offered to licensed professionals - Licensed Dental Hygienists (RDH), Dentists (DDS), Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP), Occupational Therapists & Physical Therapists.

What is the course fee?

The course fee is $2,800.00. This course fee will include your CEU's, all material needed to complete the course and begin your business confidently.

This fee includes your 4-days with 30-hour credits. Once payment is received, you will receive a receipt and welcome letter to the course. You will also receive a list of simple supplies you will need to bring with you via email. These supplies you will use as a therapist.

What do I need to do to register for this course?

Register at www.musclesinharmony.com on the website page, click Myofunctional Therapy Course, fill out the registration form, and click the "register now" button. After payment is received, you will receive a receipt and welcome letter to the course. There is limited space, so register as soon as possible—the closing registration date is 21 days before the start of the course date. Please contact Pat Pine, COM®, at [email protected] with any concerns.

When is my course fee due?

Payment is required at the time of registration. Registration is NOT complete until you complete the registration form and payment is made. The deadline for registration is 21 days before the start of the course date. For last-minute registrations, we are not responsible for supplies required to bring by attendees. After payment is received, you will receive a receipt and welcome letter to the course, including a shortlist of a few items you will need for the course. Payment is ZELLE via Chase bank to (847) 207-7463.  Any questions, don't hesitate to contact Pat.

What are the accepted forms of payment?

All payment must be in US dollars using one of the following methods:


  • ZELLE is a great option for payment with no additional fees. Please ZELLE to Chase Bank at 847-207-7463. Please contact Pat with any questions or concerns.


  • Personal check paid immediately after registration, received within 7-10 days after registration or overnight mail. Contact Pat at (847) 207-7463 and let her know you are sending a personal check.


  • Payment via PayPal is accepted, but please note that PayPal has an additional fee of 4.50% that will be added if you choose to pay with PayPal
  • Use the link below for secure checkout using PayPal for your Discover the Myofunctional Therapy Puzzle course registration fee
A green background with the word paypal written in blue.

What is the cancellation policy?

A cancellation 30 days before the course's start date has a $600.00 fee; this will be withheld to cover costs of material and supplies. After 30 days, the amount will be credited towards a future course within one year. No refunds are available for cancellation 30 days or fewer from the date of the course. Any questions, contact us at [email protected].

Will I receive continuing education credits?

Yes, 30-hours of course credit will be provided for licensed professionals (RDH, DDS). Attendance must be for all 4-days-30 hours to receive credits.

What type of course is being provided?

This IAOM introductory 30-hour approved certification comprehensive course consists of lectures and is primarily hands-on. This course will lead you to take the certification program if you wish to pursue the COM process. My experience with teaching courses is that all attendees learn differently.  Hands-on, see it, hear it and do it will allow all attendees to have a personal experience to build confidence in their new career or update their information. Each attendee will have a partner, so tell a friend to join us. Your course supplies and materials will make this course lecture easy to follow and reference.

What If there are travel restrictions?

We understand the risks of COVID-19 travel restrictions. Should restrictions occur, this course will be online immediately with ZOOM. We send supplies to you before the course date. Please update your computer requirements to connect to ZOOM integration for audio, visual, and internet connections. Please update your computer settings for all types of computers. Check ahead of time for all system requirements to prevent any hic-ups before this online course. Check - www.support.zoom.us. We are not responsible for non-computer integrations.

Where is the course located?

The courses will be presented within the USA in various cities (please see above). If you or your group is interested in hosting a four-day course, contact Pat at [email protected]. There will be one 4-day course online; please see the schedule. All details will be emailed to you after the registration fee is received. Any questions, don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected].

How are course materials distributed?

Virtual courses and in-person classes will feature an online resource manual, including relevant exercises, articles, and course manual chapters. You'll have access to a digital folder will all necessary resources.

What is the protocol for infection prevention and COVID safety?

Recommended social distancing will take place. Gloves and masks will be available. Hand hygiene includes hand washing and hand sanitizer.  If you prefer your products due to sensitivities, feel free to bring them.  We suggest getting a face shield to make you comfortable with hands-on tasks.

What will I need to bring?

Please bring a curious mind, positive attitude, and excitement to join the discovery team on orofacial myology. Let us embrace this learning experience. We will disperse course materials and supplies and a link to the cloud with a plethora of information.

What if I require special assistance to attend the course?

Please contact Pat at [email protected] to discuss any special needs.

What if I have questions after taking the course?

There is plenty of research available for your examination, and I discovered that seeking my answers helped me better understand orofacial myology therapy. I will not be able to answer any examination questions. Please contact me via email with any course questions at [email protected].

Mentoring is available post-course.

Be Part of the Discovery Team! Register Today.
See you there.

A blue and green logo for the international association of colleges.
A close up of the approval for an ce program

Be Part of the Myofunctional Therapy Discovery Team

Two people holding a puzzle piece that says " discovery team ".